A few different modes of transportation in India

India – 2010. I was fascinated by the many and various forms of (unusual) transportation, both for moving people and goods. These photos are from Pondicherry where I saw a Vintage Car Rally, Monayampettai which is a small rural village and Mahabalipuram which is a sea side resort area.
There was Vintage Car Rally on Sunday February 7th and I was amazed at the cars that were in Pondicherry – Would you believe a 1960’s mustang?
I think this is a citron
A Singer roadster from the 1940’s
1952 Fiat Topolino
Vintage Car Rally - Pondicherry
Auto rickshaw – they were everywhere and were very cheap transportation
Auto rickshaw bus
Bicycle rickshaw used for commercial transport of goods
Bicycle rickshaw used for commercial transport of goods
Family transport
Taking the boys to school
Bicycle rickshaw used for commercial transport of goods – has to be hard work
Bicycle store, Pondicherry India
Pondicherry traffic and a police checkpoint
A motorcycle vendor gone high-tech with his cell phone
Bicycle rickshaw transporting a load of bricks
Bicycle rickshaw between jobs
A motorcycle vendor in Monayampettai